I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan

Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan

I’ll blame it on my dad. But apart from the many traits I took from him, my love for a good old fashioned action movie with a spy kick definitely came from him. I grew up seeing him read a lot of Tom Clancy books and rent Laser Discs of action movies and these two somehow melded themselves into me.

So when Amazon Prime Video said they’d be taking on the Jack Ryan series and having John Krasinski as its star, I knew it was going to be a wild one. And so far, they haven’t disappointed. So now that we’ve got season 3 underway (and a season 4 coming up!), I’m glad I was able to binge it.

As a side note, I was supposed to lump this entry with Netflix’s Treason, but I couldn’t bring myself to finishing it but I know I will one day, just not in time to write about them together. Ahh well.

It was nice to see Jack Ryan back in action with Mike November and Greer (who I still remember from Suits!) and the new additions of the folks in the cell site as well as Nina Hoss as the Czech Republic’s female leader! It was a bit too prescient with all the Russia goings on given the shit actually going down in Russia now, but it was really well played.

The entire plot line with Nina Hoss’s dad being part of the coup attempts and the attempt to start a war is all par for the course in a world where only Jack Ryan can save the day, but given what’s happening in the world now, it hit a little too close to home.

Still, I enjoyed every episode, and even when I thought it was about to end (2nd to the last episode), they came back and gave me some more till the very end. I’m obviously excited to see season 4 and hope it’s not the last we see of the Jack Ryan universe.

Baguettes, Bouillabaisse and Bisou

Baguettes, Bouillabaisse and Bisou

Hello, 2023

Hello, 2023