I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
You're Such a Wonder

You're Such a Wonder

Like clockwork and routine, at the end of most work days, I find myself having dinner in front of the television and watching an episode or two of something before clocking in for the night and apart from Hallmark movies — my constant companion and brief break for Drive to Survive (season 3 was pretty amazing), I do find that I’ve seen a couple things lately.

It’s crazy because every time I power up Netflix, there are ten million new shows to watch, but i’m somehow so non-committal to things. And so I go back to old favorites.

When Calls the Heart

The new season is out and honestly I couldn’t be more excited. Chinggay and I did en entire episode of But Make it Hallmark to celebrate the first couple of episodes and though we saw some progress for Elizabeth in the choice department, you know they’re going to ping pong us back and forth between Nathan and Lucas. I’m honestly prepared for them to drag this on out even longer than usual, so I’m not going to hold my breath for any major decisions.


I can’t believe we’re down to the last season of this show that really brought me back into binge mode (I had to catch up with all my friends). Where am I going to get my Peter Hermann fix now? And all the fantastic clothes of camaraderie between Sutton and Hilary? I didn’t think I would get this addicted to this show but I have and it makes me miss this glossy New York that only exists in TV and movies and Darren Starr creations. What will fill this void? Someone tell me!

Grey’s Anatomy

I don’t think I ever technically finished this series but because my friend Cynch got me into it, I’ve found myself binging the show. I’m past the point wherein I left off when I stopped watching so it was nice to get back in with the gang and it’s pretty nuts how many this seasons this show has gone on so I’m taking my time (considering it’s still going on in real time!) and seeing the crazy shenanigans. I am tempted to cheat a bit and check out New Amsterdam but for now, I’m safely ensconced in rainy Seattle.

The OC

For Sunday Movie Club, we’re switching it up to a The OC rewatch and only because I read that Rachael Bilson and Melinda Clarke are doing a The OC rewatch podcast that I would want to check out at the very least. I can’t believe these were the shows that I watched in my youth. The disparity between my life and the drama Ryan and Seth and Summer and Marissa went through but I felt the angst and the music all too well.

I know, I know it looks like I’m not diving in to anything new. I mean, technically we’re still in the pandemic, so this still holds true. But do you guys have recommendations? I’m willing to leave my comfortable shell of Seattle Grace/Mercy West for a bit.

Bottle Up Old Love

Bottle Up Old Love

Baby, Baby, Baby

Baby, Baby, Baby