I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
An Affair to Remember

An Affair to Remember

I have to admit, I’ve hit a bit of a reading slump this quarter. I don’t know if it’s the busy-ness of work? Or maybe I’m just really lazy? Let’s be real though. I now have my own couch and Netflix so I definitely wasn’t as good about my reading this time around.

I did however finally read the sequel to my favorite book of 2015, The Royal We. And though it took me a bit longer to get through it, I have to say I did quite enjoy The Heir Affair. I wasn’t sure what it was going to be about, because any time I enjoy the first book, I just dive into the second one blind. Strange, but true.

I also am quite bad at remembering details from the first book, so I had a lot of ‘what the hell happened, again?’ moments as I was catching up, but it was really nice to revisit Nick and Bex (and Freddie, of course). I actually thought it would have a lot more Freddie (and that it would rip more from the headlines of Prince Harry’s current state), but I’m glad they didn’t at all!

It was nice to see Bex and Nick try (and fail) and try some more to produce the heir. And though I don’t want to spoil things for anyone, there’s a lot of history and drama that I didn’t necessarily want, but was still quite nice to read. It also gave me a lot more insight into Eleanor (aka the Queen) and her sister. They could totally make a prequel for that, though you know I just want more Freddie. Give me that spin-off.

There are still many names of the many friends they had in book one, who we still catch up with in this book took me a while to remember, but they were delightful nonetheless. I think I’m going to go back and re-read book 1 just so that I can actually be more invested in these friends that we see, but I honestly couldn’t remember much about.

I don’t think there’s going to be another book in this series, but I honestly wouldn’t mind reading more about Bex and Nick (and Freddie) too now that they’ve all made the choices they made at the end of book 2. I don’t think I’ll be lucky enough to get one though.

I do miss this type of book where it’s just light and fluffy and with absolutely no drama, and maybe I need more of this to kickstart my reading again. What fun and fluffy books have you guys been reading?

Bet You Wanna

Bet You Wanna

Currently: September 2020

Currently: September 2020